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Munich Orientation Convention (StatusQuo)

Munich Orientation Convention is unique GEOCODE since it uses polar coordinates system, dislike most of other GEOCODEs. It is designed for everyone including children and illiterate people who can read only number and clock.
Munich Orientation Convention is a set of some navigating tools and method. Please visit their site for detail. In this document, their GEOCODE, “StatusQuo” is introduced.
StatusQuo defined “origin” or “center” point for each city. Any location will be expressed by angle and distance from center. Angle is expressed in “Time” format. For example, east is “3:00” and south is “6:00”.
Status Quo is designed by orientation method, so it is very intuitive for city that has a polar style road design, such as Paris or Rio de Janeiro.

© Munich Orientation Convention © Munich Orientation Convention
© Munich Orientation Convention
Sample Code: m4:6 r20