Under Editing

This Site is under editing. Site will be open on 25,Dec 2009

The GEOCODE Encyclopedia

The GEOCODE Encyclopedia

Here is a list of GEOCODEs that the author knows at 31 May, 2009.
This chapter is provided only to grasp a rough concept of each GEOCODEs. Each GEOCODE is introduces in
one page, equally. Therefore, this document is NOT going to provide in detail for any GEOCODEs. Please
follow provided link for original website for details, options, applications, and updated specifications..
I have to mention that pictures to explain code are copied from original web site, and they are not modified in
purpose of transferring information as correct as possible. Therefore, copyrights of pictures are reserved by
original copyright holder.
Explanation text is written by author unless citation source is notified..